- John Welsh profile
- E: john@obwtravel.com
- PH: 604.330.3734
Thanks for clicking on my profile, let me introduce myself. I am John Welsh, a husband, a dad, a grandpa, musician and goalie (a spare, very spare). Career wise, I have quite a varied background. Retired law enforcement, realtor, business owner, human resources Director, and now a Travel Advisor, all with a common theme to help people.
What was the draw to the travel industry? I love to travel, I love to research and find the best deals, and after a personal bad experience booking directly with a vacation supplier, I realized the value in having a personal travel advisor that has your back if any of your plans are not as planned. In a very short time, I have learned so much, and the reality that every day is a learning opportunity in this business.
My personal travel has brought me to Hawaii, Las Vegas, Arizona, California, Florida, DisneyLand and World, Dominican Republic, and multiple cruises with various Cruise lines that has taken me to too many countries to list.
I would love the opportunity to help you plan your next all inclusive land vacation, or picking your next cruise on the ocean or river.